Monday, November 26, 2007


These are my two Wiki gods; they assist me in both finding and editing interesting wikis! I took a good long look at Charlotte-Mecklenberg's wiki, along with the swell Library Success: Best Practices wiki. I also think the 2006 ALA wiki is mega-convenient for those that attended AND those that did not get to go. As far as I am concerned, one of the best things a library can do with a wiki is use it to replace their tired old staff intranets, ZZzzzzzzsnoreZzzzzz. Wouldn't it be great to check out a brand new BCL WIKI on a daily basis?!!! I suspect that lots more staffers would contribute than the few who are 'editors' in our current info incarnation. I really like the oh-so-democratic concept of a wiki: everyone can put in their own two cents! (please see Amy's 2 cents below.) Also, I am hoping to begin an Interlibrary Loan wiki here amongst our wee staff so that we can all contribute to a Standard Operating Procedures manual. Obsolescense overtook me everytime I began an SOP Manual in the past using conventional word processing; the procedures for both lending and borrowing always changed before the ink was even dry!

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